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[资料下载] 都市人的八大古怪流行病,你患了几个?

发表于 2012-6-24 23:02:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Procrastination refers to the act of replacing high-priority actions with tasks of low-priority, and thus putting off important tasks to a later time. Some psychologists cite such behavior as a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting or completing any task or decision.
Holiday syndrome 假期综合症
Holiday syndrome appears when people who just come back tio work from a break.It's caused by longtime TV wactching or internet surfing. It make one's back and waist sore.
症状: 在长假过后,身心疲惫,心情烦躁,精力不集中,睡不好,吃不香,没有上课或上班的激情,但身体没有器质性病变。
病症等级: 病情可控,为周一综合症的并发症

Prosopagnosia 脸盲症
Prosopagnosia is a disorder of face perception where the ability to recognize faces is impaired, while the ability to recognize other objects may be relatively intact.
症状: 患者看不清别人的脸;患者对别人的脸型失去辨认能力。 脸盲症;即便是熟人,也会形同陌路。
病症等级: 不治之症
Premenstrual syndrome 经期综合症
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) (also called PMT or premenstrual tension) is a collection of physical and emotional symptoms related to a woman's menstrual cycle.
症状: 下腹部疼痛,常伴随有恶心、呕吐、腹泻等,严重的可出现面色苍白、手脚冰冷、冷汗淋漓等症状。
病症等级: 病情可控,受个人情绪影响较大,可能会传染
Trypophobia 密集恐惧症
Trypophobia is an intense fear of the following things, which results in an all-over itchy feeling and general uneasyness. Lotus
seed pods, Crumpets, Pumice, Cavities in teeth, the Ampullae of Lorenzini in Sharks, Holes in concrete, Bug tunnels in wood, Enlarged pores of the skin, Aero Bars, Holes in walls caused by bullets, Bone marrow, Wasps' nest, Honeycomb, Bubbles in Dough, Ant holes, Veins in meat, Clusters of holes.
症状: 对密集排列的相对小物体很敏感,感觉头晕,恶心,头皮发麻。几乎人人都有,程度因人而异。
病症等级: 病情可控,可能传染
The Monday Syndrome 星期一综合症
It turns out no matter whether you're American, Chinese or a fat cartoon cat with a penchant for lasagna, you all have at least one thing in common: you probably hate Mondays. In fact, for every Westerner with a "case of the Mondays" it turns out there's a Chinese worker who's suffering from the equally serious case—Monday Syndrome.
症状: 赖床,精神恍惚,食欲不振,晚上失眠,早起“起床气”很大,容易发火,工作效率低下。
病症等级: 病情可控
Bulimia nervosa 易饿症
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by restraining of food intake for a period of time followed by an over intake or binging period that results in feelings of guilt and low self-esteem.
症状: 吃了饿,饿了吃,吃了甜的想吃酸的,宰了肥鹅又想肥鸭,食量无法控制。
病症等级: 不治之症,用赵本山的话就是:“晚期就是植物人儿……”
Choose disabilities 选择障碍症
Just can not make decisions of any kind.
症状: 生活中的大小选择举棋不定犹豫不决。尤其在选择午饭吃什么这一严肃问题上表现尤为严重。
病症等级: 终生晚期……
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