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[学习&生活] 英国医学专业汇总

发表于 2012-6-13 22:54:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  University of Nottingham
  专业名称:Oncology Masters (MSc)
  主要课程:The Molecular Basis of Cancer
  Tumour Physiology
  Tumour Immunology
  Introduction to Cancer Treatment
  Diagnostic Pathology of Cancer
  Cancer Statistics and Epidemiology
  You will also take three optional modules, chosen from the following:
  Cancer Chemotherapy or Radiation Biology
  Techniques in Cellular and Molecular Biology or Site Specific Cancer Management
  Oncology Procedures and Palliative Medicine or Drug Design and Pharmacology
  雅思要求:6.5分 (with no less than 5 for each element)
  University of Manchester
  专业名称:Immunology and Immunogenetics MSc 免疫与免疫遗传学
  入学要求:A minimum Lower Second class honours degree, or the overseas equivalent, in a bioscience, medical, dental or veterinary subject.
  University of Nottingham
  专业名称:Msc in Cancer immunology and biotechnology 癌症免疫学与应用生物学
  入学要求:Students should hold a minimum of a 2ii honours degree in Life Sciences, Biomedical Sciences or allied subjects, awarded from an approved University. Exceptional applicants without a first degree but with at least a Higher National Diploma plus additional experiential learning, that is deemed by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences to be equivalent to a degree may be considered.The School welcomes applications from overseas candidates; there is no specific quota for such applicants and each is assessed on merit. The University's International Office and NARIC provide information about the comparability of qualifications.
  主要课程:Immunity and the Immune System
  Molecular Basis of Cancer
  Tumour Immunology
  Cancer Vaccines
  Scientific Writing and Business Development
  Monoclonal Antibodies
  Host-Tumour Interface
  Library Dissertation
  Research Project
  雅思要求:6.5 in the IELTS test with no less than 6.0 in any element
  University of Glasgow
  专业名称:Medical Genetics 医学遗传学
  入学要求:We welcome applications from graduates with an Honours degree or equivalent in any biological science, which is related to genetics. We will also consider applications from graduates in other scientific disciplines after discussion prior to application. We also welcome graduates in medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine.
  Work experience in a laboratory or appropriate profession is an advantage but not essential.
  雅思要求:Students whose first language is not English are required to obtain proficiency at the IELTS level of 6.5. or a score of 650 at the TOEFL examination. Students whose first degree has been taught in English should contact the Medical Faculty as there may be an exemption from the examinations.
  网址http://www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduat ... ne/medicalgenetics/
  University of Leicester
  莱斯特大学是英国最为古老的大学之一,历史悠久。创建于1921年,于1957年获得皇家许可,拥有了正式颁发学位的权利。它是少数多次获得高等教育女王奖的大学之一。这项享有盛誉的奖励是颁给那些在学术上取得优秀成就的高等教育机构。大学在DNA 基因遗传技术及空间研究等领域享誉全球。根据上海交通大学对全球大学所做的排名(2006年),世界前200所大学中英国有21所榜上有名,莱斯特就是其中之一。在《泰晤士报优秀大学指南》对全英国大学所做的排行榜上,它名列第18位。2005和2006年它都荣获《泰晤士报高等教育增刊》“年度高等教育院校”提名。莱斯特大学现已成为一所连续排名前20位的学院。莱斯特大学注重学术研究,素以基因研究暨生物化学闻名于国际学术界。基因指纹即由该校发展而出。莱斯特医学院成立于1971年,是一所大型的医学院校。学院的前身为沃里克大学,最初命名为莱斯特&沃里克医学院 在扩大招生后,沃里克逐渐分离成为独立学院。而合作院校的相关课程也在2006年结束,分配到各自的院校。
  专业名称:Molecular Genetics 分子遗传学
  入学要求:There is no entrance examination. We require students to have a degree in a Biological Science with FIRST or SECOND CLASS HONOURS awarded by a British University or its equivalent. We will also consider an applicant who holds a degree in Medicine.
  课程描述:The course comprises lectures, tutorials, a three month laboratory practical course and a nine month research project carried out in a research laboratory at Leicester or at an affiliated institution or company.
  雅思要求:An overall score of 6.5 in the British Council IELTS test (International English Language Testing System)
  University of Edinburgh
  位于苏格兰的首府爱丁堡市,成立于1583年,是英国第6古老的大学。爱丁堡大学医学院由威廉·狄克于 1823 年建立,于 1951 年并入爱大,该医学院是全英历史最为悠久、最大的医学院,其声誉名扬海外,每年都有世界各地的兽医医生申请就读该学院。在1999年的The Times评估等级中爱丁堡大学医学院评估第8名,教学质量第9名,科研质量第5名,毕业去向第6名。拥有世界著名医学家,如第一个将清洁消毒引入外科手术的约瑟夫 · 里斯特以及发现氯仿可用于手术麻醉的詹姆斯 · 扬 · 辛普森等。该医学院吸引了国内外许多学生慕名前来攻读学士、硕士及博士学位,其开设的课程范围广,且分布比较平衡,能为学生今后参加任何医疗实践和研究打下扎实基础。
  专业名称:Quantitative Genetics & Genome Analysis 数量遗传学与基因组分析
  入学要求:We welcome applications from graduates in the biological sciences who have an interest in quantitative biology, or graduates in mathematics, statistics or physical sciences who wish to apply theory to genetic problems. Applicants should have a good honours degree (minimum UK 2:2 honours degree or its equivalent if outside the UK). Evidence of proficiency in English must be provided if this is not the applicant's first language.
  雅思要求:IELTS 6.5 (with 6.0 in each section)
  University of Leicester
  专业名称:Cancer Cell and Molecular Biology – MSc 癌细胞与分子生物学
  入学要求:A degree with a first or second class honours in Biological Sciences or a related subject awarded by a UK university. Applications from candidates with equivalent qualifications from non-UK universities are also welcome. Non-graduates with appropriate industrial or professional experience are encouraged to apply.
  必须课程:Module 1: Introduction to molecular techniques
  Module 2: Research methods in cell biology
  Module 3: Research methods in cancer biology
  Module 4: Advanced topics in cancer biology
  Module 5: Data analysis
  Module 6: Independent laboratory research project
  The first five modules are taught in the first three months of the course. The sixth module, comprising a nine-month cancer research project, is carried out in a research laboratory either at the University of Leicester, at a UK Cancer Research Institute or in an industrial laboratory.

  University of Aberdeen
  阿伯丁大学医学院在2001 研究评估 中,生物医学和微生物学被评为国际优秀。阿伯丁大学医学院在教学质量评估及研究机构评估中一直保持着优秀成绩,该学院教授发明胰岛素和核磁共震。大学中积极从事研究的人员比率达92%,在全英102所大学中名列第七。并且成立了药学与医学研究院。
  专业名称:Medical Molecular Microbiology
  入学要求:Honours degree (or equivalent) for MSc
  课程描述:The programme will cover the advanced study of molecular methods for the study of microorganisms (particularly bacteria, fungi) in the laboratory and in natural environments, the molecular basis of microbial pathogenesis, the molecular basis of growth and form in microorganisms and the manipulation of microorganisms for biotechnological purposes.
  A full range of transferable skills will be developed over the programme, which places a strong emphasis on self-learning and IT-based approaches as well as cutting-edge practical techniques. Each student will receive an intensive training in laboratory skills and will be expected to pass a basic laboratory competency test before entering the research environment to undertake a 16-week project. Teaching will take place primarily at the Foresterhill campus where the new Institutes of Medical Sciences and Applied Health Sciences are based, close to the hospital.
  雅思要求:IELTS: 6.5 (with 6 in Writing)
  University of Sheffield
  谢菲尔德大学医学院的EDWARD MELLANBY教授在1920年发现了维他命D治愈佝偻病。1930年博士CECIL PAINE记录下了第一份使用潘尼西林的文件。谢菲尔德大学医学院的师资力量和教学质量均居英国相同专业的前茅,并且医学院建有自己的附属医院。其研究中心享有国际声誉。谢菲尔德大学将致力于三个领域的研究与开发:生物学,动植物科学和物理,学校特别增拨了大约有3000万英镑的研究经费。
  专业名称:Molecular Medicine – MSc
  [url=]入学要求:[/url]You'll need at least a 2:1 or equivalent in an appropriate biological subject area or area related to medicine. A 2:2 degree will only be enough in exceptional circumstances. We'll consider your application if you?re a medical graduate or a graduate with recent experience in molecular biology or molecular genetics through work-related training.
  [url=]必修课程:[/url]Principles of Biomedical Research
  From Genome to Gene Function
  Modulating Immunity
  Molecular Genetics of Human Diseases
  Genome and Sequence Analysis
  Writing a Critical Review (self-directed)
  Practical Laboratory Training
  [url=]雅思要求:[/url]An IELTS score (or equivalent) of at least 6.5, with all elements at least 6.0 and the listening component at least 6.5.

  University of London
  1998年,UCL的医学院与皇家自由医院的医学院成功合并成一个新的医学院,这一成果加之UCL既有的诸多医学科研机构(儿科研究所,神经学研究院,伊斯特曼牙科研究院,眼科研究院),使得UCL成为世界上领先的生物医学科研中心之一. 事实上,UCL65%的收入都来自生物医学. 10位生理与医学诺贝尔奖桂冠获得者都曾在UCL学习或者从事科研工作. 学校的王牌专业包括细胞生物学,神经科学,生理学,儿科,神经学和眼科. UCL生物医学上的强大优势随着国家医学研究中心(NIMR)从米尔希尔迁到UCL而显著巩固. 这所1913年由医学研究协会创立的首座也是最大的实验室,有着5次诺贝尔奖的殊荣,现今则有超过700名科研人员,每年2700万英镑的预算.
  专业名称:Advanced Neuroimaging-MSc
  [url=]入学要求:[/url]A first or second-class UK Bachelor's degree in an appropriate discipline or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard is required. Students with other qualifications may also be admitted if they possess relevant experience in a field related to neuroradiology and/or medical physics.
  [url=]必修课程:[/url]ntroductory Science and Methods
  Imaging Modalities
  Advanced Imaging
  Introduction to Neuroanatomy, Systems and Disease
  Pathology and Diagnostic Imaging I
  Pathology and Diagnostic Imaging II
  专业名称:Applied Paediatric Neuropsychology MSc
  [url=]入学要求:[/url]First degree in psychology equivalent to BPS accredited honours degree or BPS conversion diploma. Students must obtain the BPS graduate basis for chartered membership (GBC). It is the responsibility of the student to obtain GBC before accepting a place on the programme.
  [url=]必修课程:[/url]Introduction to Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
  Professional Issues for Paediatric Neuropsychologists
  Development of Sensory, Motor and Cognitive Neural Systems
  Developmental Disorders and Neuropsychological Profiles
  Infant and Neurodevelopmental Assessment
  Assessment of Neuropsychological Disorders & Functional Implications
  Rehabilitative Practice in Educational and Specialist Settings
  Advanced Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
  [url=]专业名称:[/url]Cancer MSc
  [url=]入学要求:[/url]A minimum of a second-class Bachelor's degree in a relevant discipline from a UK university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard.
  [url=]必修课程:[/url]Basic Biology and Cancer Genetics
  Cancer Therapeutics
  专业名称:Cardiovascular Science MSc
  入学要求:A minimum of an upper second-class Bachelor's degree in a scientific or medical discipline from a UK university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard.
  必修课程:Cardiovascular Disease
  Animal Models of Cardiovascular Disease
  Microvascular Biology
  Heart and Circulation
  Clinical Application of Pharmacogenetic Tests
  Statistics and Computing
  King’s College London
  专业名称:Biomedical & Molecular Sciences Research MSc
  入学要求:Minimum 2:1 first degree in a biological, molecular biological or biomedical sciences-related subject or an overseas equivalent.
  雅思要求:[url=]IELTS:[/url]7.0 overall; minimum 6.0 in all skills
  专业名称:Translational Cancer Medicine
  入学要求:First or high 2:1 BSc (honours) degree or overseas equivalent in biomolecular or physical sciences. MBBS students can be admitted at any time following the third year of their programme. Post-year three: entry is based on year three
  performance plus evidence of knowledge of the basic elements of translational research topics. Advanced years (four-five): students must complete their current year of study. External students need to obtain permission from their own medical school and provide evidence of their exam performance in the pre-clinical examinations.
  入学要求:IELTS: 7.0 overall; minimum 6.0 in all skills
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